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Image by Daniel Morris


Uncover, Heal & Transform Your Life with Guidance from Your Spirit Squad

You are on a mission
to create a deep connection
with the most important
person in your life:

You want to understand why you do the things you do, why you love the way you love, why you say the things you say, and so much more. 
You want to learn everything but you don’t want to journal every single thought that pops in your mind for later analysis  or buy a crap-ton of books that’ll end up on the shelf-help pile by your bed. 
You may have turned to the cards, bones, runes or other types of divination to read for yourself, but when you are so close to a situation you can’t see the forest through the trees. You need an outside perspective.
You’re not looking for self discovery to take you years and decades. You ain’t got that kinda time. You want to make moves to uncover your strengths, challenges, love language and career goals, to name a few, because really you want to know what makes you tick. What makes you...well, you?



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What if I told you that you don’t have to go on a spiritual retreat to the Himalayas, or go on an eat, pray, love journey to find yourself?
Well, you don’t. I mean, you grown and can do what you want. They do sound like amazing trips to add to your bucket list but…
You can heal, uncover and transform yourself from the comfort of your computer, using messages from your Spirit Guides. 
And no, this is not a self-paced course you can download and store in your digital never-to-be-looked-at-again file. 
This is a personalized one-on-one experience for you to get guidance directly from your guides and clarity on who you are.
And just to be clear, messages from your Spirit Squad are not going to be vague, obscure and cryptic like some puzzle you have to assemble.
When connecting to Spirit, we will get clear guidance and actionable steps to move you forward. 
You won’t leave our sessions feeling empty, lost or confused–like the times you've gone into the kitchen and have no idea why you’re there. That is so frustrating! 

No, you will end each session with insights about yourself and steps to take the work deeper outside of our appointment.

 "She accurately pinpoints where you’re at and where you’re heading. She’s direct and to the point. Thank you so much for your reading. I was really impressed with what you ‘knew’ about me and really thrilled with how ‘spot on’ you were. I will recommend her to others! Thanks again."


Image by Alexander Andrews

Happy Clients say...

 "It's like she knows me though we've never met. In addition to completely nailing my issue, she offered practical advice in a very supportive way. If you've always wanted to try a reading, I would most definitely recommend her!"

— Candi

So, imagine....

  • being confident in the skin you are in so when you enter a room, you bring all of you–not dimming your light for fear you’ll outshine someone else’s 


  • knowing and trusting you have the support of your Spirit Squad in making decisions, even when they seem hard 


  • making time to get a deeper understanding of yourself​

If you’ve made it this far down the page, I know you are still trying to figure out how to navigate your life using divination to create ease and flow. 
You’re on a personal development and spiritual journey to connect and learn more about yourself. 

You’re tired of relying on YouTube & Instagram readings for the collective and are ready to work with someone who can share with you what your guides have to say to you and then support you while you make some adjustments.


Enter: Me!

I’m ChaChanna, your personal spiritual life coach. I LOVE connecting to my Spirit Squad (ancestors, angels, guides, etc.). I have conversations with them out loud– not in public, that’s kinda frowned upon–constantly. And, yes, they participate.  


Consulting my Spirit Squad has really made life so much more interesting. I go to them for guidance on all matters, big and small. But it doesn’t mean that everything is peaches and cream and I never have challenges. Because as a human, I still have things to learn and grow from, but I am able to navigate life more easily–that is when I actually listen. I’m a bit stubborn at times and choose to learn the hard way. It’s the Taurus in me. 


And now, I am eager to share the wisdom of your Spirit Squad with you so you can uncover, heal and transform your life with messages from your Spirit Team! Yay! 


You ready?

Image by Daniel Morris


Uncover, Heal & Transform Your Life with Guidance from Your Spirit Squad

Let me guess...

You want to get answers and guidance to your questions from your Spirit Squad. 


You read, watch and listen to your favorite tarot and psychic readers give the message for the collective on their social media, and attempt to use the information to reflect on yourself, but yet….it’s still not gelling. Sometimes, that message has absolutely nothing to do with you, no matter how hard you try to make it fit.


You want to know what messages are specifically for you, and then how to take action on the information. 

I can help you

For three months, we’ll work in communion with your Spirit Squad to gain insight about you–without you having to painstakingly pour over more books or endlessly scrolling through YouTube, the Internet or apps. 


The best part: I’ll do all the work, well, I’ll give you the guidance from Spirit. You will have to decide what you want to do with that information. Me and your Spirit Squad will be there to cheer you on though. 


Each month, me, you + Spirit will meet to discuss your plan for growth. To make sure you stay on track or in case you have some challenges, you’ll have two fifteen-minute sessions you can schedule whenever you want during the month.


This program is for...

those who really want to get a deep understanding of themselves, get assistance from their Spirit Squad, and are ready to become the best version of themselves.
You’ve had enough of trying to figure it out on your own. You want someone to guide you through it. 
I’m ya girl!
Image by malith d karunarathne

"Well, what can I say, your reading was spot on! Some of your feedback was news to me but you have also given me confirmation on things that I already believed. It gives me great peace of mind to know that my perception of the situation is confirmed and I feel I am headed in the right direction. Thank you so much ChaChanna! You are definitely very gifted!"


This stellar three-month program includes… 

Six bi-weekly one-on-one sessions with Me, You & Spirit to coach you on the best way to achieve your goals and uncover the new version of you
Two monthly 15-minute On-Demand Check-In Sessions — each month when it suits you.
Recording of each session so you can be fully present and not trying to scribble down notes during your session.
Price $1500

It's time to peel back the layers and get to know yourself!

Choose from one of the payment plans below that suits you best to get started.

Image by Mina Ivankovic

One Pay


Just one payment of $1,500 and you are all set. Let's do this!

Image by Karla Caloca

Two Pay


You can get started with a down payment of $825, and then an additional payment of $825 in a month.

Image by Pono Lopez

Three Pay


You can get started with a down payment of $575, and then an additional payment of $575 per month.

Payment Anchor
  • How do I pay for my session?
    It's a recurring cost that will be deducted monthly until you cancel.
  • How are the sessions conducted?
    The sessions are held virtually using Zoom + Facebook.
  • Are these sessions recorded?
    Yes, there will be a lot of information shared and I don’t want you wasting time trying to take notes.
  • What is your cancellation policy?
    You can cancel at anytime. No questions asked.
  • What time are the sessions?
    Sessions are 7:30 AM ET.
  • Who do I contact if I have questions?
    Just email and I'll get back to you asap!
Image by Daniel Morris

You could be feeling as confident and happy as Bellatrix Lestrange escaping from Azkaban right now.

So what are you waiting for? 

It's time to rediscover, redesign, and refine your life with advice from your Spirit Squad!

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